Why VilasVhatkar.org ?
Serving you with the best Marathi matrimonial website

With this matrimonial you can send messages to the people you like.

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All the Registered Profiles are verified by admin of the Website

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Marathi matrimonial sites have made it easier and convenient to find the desired life partner. They not only help you to browse through different profiles but also help you to connect with different people. Today, people consider marathi matrimony websites as the perfect way to tie a knot with someone. So, marathi matrimony allows people to browse through thousands of profiles.
Matrimonial site marathi provides the option of setting preferences like community and profession. These filters help them in finding their ideal match. These sites are apt for those who are too busy with their professional life. They can logon anytime and go through different profiles. If they like any of them they can share a picture or message instantly. Marathi matrimonial sites have no geographical boundaries. One can easily connect to profiles from all over the world.
Matrimonial marathi sites give the freedom to search and communicate with people of their choice. Parents no longer have to visit the priest or a marriage broker for match making saves time and money both.
Matrimony sites for marathi are perfect for those who want to keep this matter confidential. They also offer to keep a private profile which is visible only to selected people. The profiles updated on the sites are very informative. One gets to know much about the matches which includes their qualities, background and interest. One can easily communicate with the match through online chat services. This helps one to know more about their match. All the profiles are safe and secure on these sites. There is a very less chance that one comes across a fake profile.
Awards & Achievements
श्री. विलास नामदेवराव व्हटकर, समाजसेवक, गोरेगाव पूर्व, मुंबई यांच्या समाजकार्याची दखल घेऊन 'भगवे वादळ' मुंबई या साप्ताहिकच्या दुसर्या वर्धापनदिन सोहळ्यात मुंबई येथे
श्री. सुकृत खांडेकर संपादक दैनिक प्रहार यांच्या हस्ते "भारतरत्न डाॅ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर समाजभूषण पुरस्कार" प्रदान करण्यात आला. विलास व्हटकर यांनी सपत्नीक पुरस्कार स्वीकारला.
पुरस्कार मिळाल्याची तारीख : 05-11-2023

मा. भारत कदम साहेब जिल्हा पुरवठा अधिकारी(DSO)(उपजिल्हाधिकारी) औरंगाबाद यांचे हस्ते 'स्टार महाराष्ट्राचे' पुरस्कार स्विकारताना श्री. विलास नामदेवराव व्हटकर व त्यांच्या सुविद्य पत्नी सौ. शारदा
पुरस्कार मिळाल्याची तारीख : 01-07-2018

कार्यालयीन कामामध्ये राजभाषा हिंदी चा प्रभावीपणे वापर केल्याबद्दल श्री. झेवियर, महाप्रबंधक यांचेकडून पुरस्कार स्वीकारताना

श्री. सुशीलकुमार शिंदे, माजी - केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री, महाराष्ट्राचे मुख्यमंत्री व आंध्रप्रदेशचे राज्यपाल यांचे सोबत.

उत्कृष्ट सेवेबाबत "चेअरमन्स अवॉर्ड ऑफ एक्सलन्स" पुरस्कार श्री. डी. व्ही. मल्हन, कार्यकारी संचालक, माॅडर्न फुड इंडस्ट्रीज इंडिया लिमिटेड, दिल्ली यांचेकडून स्विकारताना.

मुंबई इन्फोचे श्री. रणजित शर्मा यांच्यासोबत स्पर्धा क्र. ८ चे विजेते

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About Us
VilasVhatkar.org VilasVhatkar.org matchmaking and other Services founded with simple objective to help people to find happiness. This platform is only meant for the people with Bonafide intent to enter into a matrimonial and is NOT meant for Dating Purposes. VilasVhatkar.org focuses on providing detailed family background information to help you to take next step with Confidence. We are Technology driven, providing the best platform to those who are genuinely looking for their Soulmate. With over 100 + Communities from where you can find a Life Partner from your own Community.
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Sunita Patil